What is Veganuary?
Veganuary is going vegan for the month to encourage people to follow a vegan lifestyle for the month of January. Check out https://veganuary.com/

Why go Vegan?
Helps reduce your carbon footprint
Helps improve your health
Can save you money as meat is quite expensive
5 tips for Veganuary
Cut out meat and dairy
Check your beauty products are not tested on animals and are vegan friendly like Msa skin care product's. Like our Renew Cleansing balm and our Vanilla and Sandalwood Body butter are both made with a berry fruit wax instead of bees wax.
Do some research for recipes and create a meal plan
Follow some vegan foodies for inspiration
Try something new
Go on challenge yourself but remember small swaps and go easy on yourself maybe you can just do meat free Mondays.
